About Me

Hi, I’m Karolina

I learned about the existence of Tarot during my childhood. It was one of those conversations between adults that I wasn’t supposed to listen to and yet I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. Tarot cards - the practice sounded magical and fascinating; I was immediately drawn to them. However, I wouldn’t get my first deck until several years later when I was a young teen. I was more of a “closet” reader back then and continued to be so for many years after.

I consulted with Tarot whenever I had to make decisions at many crossroads of life. Cards were always involved in my life although there were periods of estrangement when “real life” happened. College, graduate school, and my professional career would take precedence and there wasn’t much time for regular practice (or at least that was what I told myself at the time). I understand that Tarot always has been and always will be a very important part of my life, and it is time for me to answer the calling to share it with others.

Why The Amber Arts?

I’ve always been drawn to amber, from its warm glow to the beautiful jewelry made from it. Amber is not only a pretty adornment- it has medicinal and spiritual properties as well. It absorbs negativity and replaces it with bright, warm, soothing energy. Amber facilitates cleansing of the body, mind, and spirit. Natural healers use it to draw disease out of the body, balance the nervous system, and alleviate depression to name a few.

Amber brings wisdom and patience to the one who wears it and it is these properties that I bring to enhance my readings for you!